Friday 23 October 2015

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Appearance

When you look good, you feel good, so doing everything you can to improve your appearance is important. You do not have to be a certain size or weight to look good, so there is no need to embark on a starvation diet. There are many ways that you can improve the way you look that do not involve eating ‘rabbit food’ or hitting the gym every night for hours at a time. Below are the top 5 ways to improve your appearance without stressing yourself out.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Appearance

1. Stay Hydrated

Many people do not realise that dehydration can cause them to look and feel tired all the time. By staying hydrated, your skin will look and feel better and you will have more energy. The recommended daily amount of water is eight glasses but this is not set in stone. However, drinks such as tea and coffee contain water, as do many of your meals, so you do not need to worry if you are not drinking exactly eight glasses every day. If you do not like plain water, you can opt for flavoured varieties or try adding a dash of lime cordial to tap water for a refreshing drink.

2. Choose Healthy Foods

You do not have to cut down the amount of food that you eat but it is important to replace junk food with healthier options. Try adding fresh fruit and vegetables to your daily food intake as these foods are healthy and good for your digestive system. Junk food can be greasy and fatty, and not very beneficial, so try to limit this type of food. Many people will try to eat healthy foods during the week and at the weekend will enjoy their favourite snacks. By allowing yourself treats every now and again, you will begin to enjoy the healthy foods too.

3. Change Your Hairstyle

If you have had the same hairstyle for some time, it may be time for a change. Many people will find that a simple haircut can completely change their appearance for the better and will be sorry they did not try it before. It is important to choose a style that suits the shape of your face; a good hairdresser will advise you of the current styles and the one that could work best for you. A change in colour may also improve your appearance and is something that you can discuss with the hairdresser.

4. Love Your Smile

Make sure to pay attention to your teeth and to your dental hygiene. A nice bright smile can make all the difference and can drastically change your appearance. Many dentists offer teeth whitening treatments, which can improve your smile and ensure you look fantastic. If your teeth are not straight then why not think about braces; they are not just for children and teenagers and many people find that wearing them for a year or two is definitely worth the results.

5. Try a Non-Surgical Facelift
If you are unhappy with your appearance and, in particular, fine lines and wrinkles, many non-surgical procedures can help. Many people are choosing treatments such as dermal fillers, Botox, and laser resurfacing to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make them look younger and healthier. Top clinics will offer free consultations where you can speak to expert doctors about the various procedures available.

Where to Find Cosmetic Treatments

If you have decided that a non-surgical facelift is the best way for you to improve your appearance, Essence Medical can help. We are a Glasgow based clinic offering a variety of innovative treatments and procedures for those who want to reverse the signs of aging. Call us today to arrange your free consultation.

This article originally published at Essence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Blog here

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