Tuesday 7 March 2017

Treatments for Younger Looking Skin

Getting older is something that happens to all of us. Some people will grow old gracefully, while others cannot bear to see their appearance changing. After all, they still feel young inside and want to continue to appear young on the outside too. Every year, millions of pounds are spent on treatments and procedures to try to reverse the aging process. However, do they work? Moreover, what are the top treatments for aging skin? Below are a few of the ways in which you can help to reduce the signs of aging.

Retinoid Creams

Many over-the-counter products available claim to be able to reverse the signs of aging and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, it is important that you choose a cream with retinol. Retinol is not as strong or as effective as retinoids such as tazarotene or tretinoin but it has been proven helpful in reducing the appearance of fine lines.It is deal for those who do not want to spend large amounts of money on cosmetic procedures


Microdermabrasion is a procedure that involves taking the top layer of skin away using a diamond-tipped wand. Once new skin grows, the face appears smoother and softer. There is no anaesthetic required for microdermabrasion and it is not a painful procedure. However, it can be expensive and the effects only last for about a week before the procedure will need to be repeated.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Loose skin can be tightened using of lasers. Many people opt for laser resurfacing because the procedure is non-invasive and relatively pain free. In addition, the effects of laser resurfacing can last for up to five years, so many feel it is a worthwhile procedure in terms of the cost. It is important to note however, that those who smoke or spend a lot of time in the sun may find that the effects of the treatment do not last as long.


Dermaroller is a procedure that works by increasing the amount of collagen that the skin produces. By doing this, patients will notice a brighter, smoother and younger-looking appearance. The benefit of Dermaroller is that it is suitable for all skin types and is less aggressive than microdermabrasion, for example. It is ideal for treating skin conditions such as acne, stretch marks, sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Chemical Skin Peel

Chemical skin peels are often used for treating age spots, acne scars, skin discolouration, and wrinkles. The chemical skin peel removes the top layer of skin and encourages new skin growth, which then produces a smoother appearance. Chemical peels vary in intensity, from a light peel to a deep peel. Those who opt for a light peel will usually see the effects wear off after a month or two. However, a deep peel can produce effects that last for several years.


Botox injections work by paralysing the muscles in the face and stopping them from contracting. The contraction of these muscles causes wrinkles and frown lines – by preventing them from doing so the face will appear smoother and younger looking. Botox injections typically last for three to six months before it will be necessary to repeat the treatment. However, if you regularly use Botox, you may find that the results last longer.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are effective for deep lines on the face. The deep creases are filled in with injections of a hyaluronic acid that plumps up the tissue under the skin. The procedure usually takes about thirty minutes and produces immediate results that can last for up to two years.

Non-Invasive Treatments

If you want to avail of some of the above non-invasive cosmetic treatments then you will need to find a local skin clinic. Glasgow clinic Essence Medical has a team of experts who will provide a free consultation at which you can discuss your requirements. A doctor will discuss the best treatment options available and will advise you of how to proceed should you wish to do so.

The Original article Published at Essence Medical Blog

Monday 6 March 2017

Botox cures depression?

Recent study by Dr Michael Lewis of the School of Psychology, Cardiff, Wales, showed that Botox, traditionally a cosmetic treatment, could actually be a depression cure.

“Botox can be used to paralyse the frown muscles up to six months. Frowning is responsible for expressing normally negative emotions such as sadness, fear, anger and distress. A patient who has had Botox Glasgow in this area can’t physically form the expressions necessary to portray these emotions. As a result, they feel more relaxed and look more youthful” explains Dr Kieren Bong, a cosmetic doctor at one of Scotland’s best Botox clinics in Glasgow, Essence Medical Cosmetic Clinic.

Studies also showed that Botox injections in Glasgow can dramatically improve moods, as well as our relationships with others.

“Majority of our patients who had Botox treatments at our Botox clinic in Glasgow told us that they noticed a significant difference in mood. They were noticeably less negative and felt more relaxed” says Dr Bong.

The Original article Published at Essence Medical Blog

Sunday 5 March 2017

5 Huge Botox Myths Busted

What do we know about Botox?

We know that it helps to reduce those wrinkles and fine lines. It lets us reclaim our youth and enjoy beauty for a few more years. However, we all have our misconceptions when it comes to this treatment. Go to any Botox clinic in Glasgow and it will not take you long to hear each of the five following myths among uninitiated patrons,which we are about to bust.

1. When the Lines Appear

Some people believe Botox is for when your skin starts to deteriorate. This only makes it harder for Botox to work in the way you want. When the lines appear is the wrong time to look at Botox. More and more people are being advised to consider Botox as a preventative treatment. That way it will take many more years before the first signs of wrinkles start to appear.

2. Botox for Life

You do not have to receive Botox treatments for life. Many people believe that if you stop getting Botox treatments your wrinkles will get worse than before. This is not the case. What will happen is your skin will resume its normal aging process. Your wrinkles will end up in the same way as before.

Do not let fear put you off if you believe Botox is not right for you in the long-term.

3. Any Age is Suitable

Botox is not needed if you are as young as, say, eighteen. Yes, Botox is great at preventing wrinkles, but at a young age,it is simply not necessary. Practically nobody who is still a teenager will have to contend with wrinkles yet. You lose nothing by waiting for a few years. Do not obsess over the need for Botox.

4. Botox is for Wrinkles Only

That is where you are wrong. Botox is so much more than a cosmetic treatment. What you may not have realised is Botox has a soothing effect on the body. It can be used to block sweat glands, to prevent excessive sweating. It can reduce tension in and around the head, thus stopping migraines. It can even come in handy for treating depression.

Furthermore, Botox is not just a cosmetic treatment for women. Look at any Botox clinic in Glasgow and it will not take you long to find a long list of men preparing to undergo this treatment.

5. Botox is Beneficial for Men

Let us expand on that point about for men. There is a reason why Botox is sometimes referred to as ‘Bro-tox’. These men are not the stereotypes that are probably rushing into your head. They are not obsessed with grooming and they are not gay, nor are they being pushed into it by their wives and girlfriends. Eliminate all these stereotypes.

There are more men than ever before receiving Botox to soften lines and wrinkles. This takes away the harsh look many men suffer from. It is a perfect counter to looking permanently angry as you get older. Do not underestimate just what Botox can do for your look. It can transform your life no matter how young or old you are.

Get in touch with the experts at Essencemedical.co.uk today for some more information on Botox treatments!

The Original article Published at Essence Medical Blog

Sunday 4 September 2016

7 Natural Beauty Tips for Healthy Skin

Our skin plays many significant roles in our survival, from protecting the human body against pathogens to preventing harmful water loss. It also helps to regulate temperature, produce essential Vitamin D, and allows us to feel sensation through external stimuli.

Over time, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to damage, and signs of skin ageing can include poor texture, fine lines and wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. While ageing is inevitable, there are ways to ensure that the skin is maintained in a healthy way using simple yet natural tips and precautions to ensure it remains as healthy as possible.

1. Avoid sunbathing, tanning salons and exposing the skin to the sun between 10am and 4pm when the UV rays are at their strongest. If you want to enjoy warm weather, wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, a protective hat, and long sleeves. Apart from avoiding sun damage to the skin, these measures can also help to prevent skin cancer. Signs of sun damage include wrinkles, freckles, age spots and blotchy patches of skin.

2. Smoking causes premature ageing of the skin and creates nasty wrinkles around the lips as well as being a cause of eye lines due to squinting through smoke. Smoking also has a drying effect on the skin, robbing it of essential moisture as well as causing discolouration of the fingers, fingernails, and teeth. As smoke passes over the skin, it leaves a dirty residue that clogs pores and could contribute to an unhealthy pallor. Stopping smoking will increase blood flow throughout the body, allowing the skin to benefit from increased oxygen and nutrients, which then creates a healthier look to this organ.

3. Keep skin hydrated by drinking water and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. While evidence is lacking in the idea that everyone should drink eight glasses of water every day, there are benefits to keeping the skin well hydrated to create a healthier look. A diet rich in natural food and drink will also help the skin by providing it with essential vitamins and nutrients that are not found in a ‘junk food’ diet, allowing the body to repair skin when necessary.

4. Vitamin deficiencies can cause a detrimental effect to the skin, with vitamins C,D,E and K being especially important for healthy skin. All of these vitamins are supplied by a diet rich in citrus fruits, leafy greens, nuts, and olives, as well as oily fish and eggs.

5. Getting enough sleep is one of the best natural ways to give skin a boost, as lack of sleep lowers circulation and results in a pale and washed-out complexion.  Sleep deprivation is also responsible for unattractive under-eye shadows and it can even create broken capillaries.

6. Avoid using skin-care products that are loaded with chemicals, especially if the skin is prone to spots or acne. Choosing natural alternatives such as honey to cleanse and coconut oil to moisturise can benefit skin that reacts to over-the-counter skin products.

7. Facial exercises can help to tone facial muscles and also improve blood circulation. Take a look on YouTube where there are plenty of good tutorials that cost absolutely nothing except time, and which might help to create a glowing and healthy complexion.

All of the above can help keep your skin healthy. If you need advice, tips or would like a consultation on wrinkle reduction, advice on botox or any other other treatment, please contact us.

The Original Article Published at Essence Medical Blog

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Ageing Skin - Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The ageing process is not something that anybody can prevent, but it is certainly possible to slow down the signs of ageing to a certain extent. As we get older, the skin starts to become thin and lose moisture. In addition to increase in skin laxity, it no longer sheds cells and renews itself as quickly as it did when we were younger.

Lifestyle habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking or a poor diet also play a part in causing the skin to age, while facial expressions like smiling and frowning leave permanent lines. And, of course, exposure to the sun or not using a high factor SPF sunscreen can cause damage to skin as well as being responsible for premature ageing.

While it is impossible to stop getting older, there are many ways to keep skin looking as good as possible.

Adopt a daily skincare routine that uses a simple cleanser, toner and moisturiser. Buying the most expensive skincare products is not essential, as long as you take good basic care of your skin, being gentle to the most delicate areas around the eyes and using products that are created to suit your personal skin type.

It is said that men age more slowly than women and this may be due to daily shaving habits that exfoliate the facial skin. Exfoliating the skin at least once a week using a washcloth or facial scrub may help remove dead skin cells and encourage new ones to form; at the very least it will help to maintain a bright and even complexion.

Non-invasive facial procedures such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels can help minimise fine wrinkles and exfoliate the surface layers of the skin while laser skin treatments stimulate deeper layers of skin to produce collagen. Although these are not things that can be done for everyday skin maintenance, they certainly help to improve the appearance of skin and signs of ageing.

Antioxidants are not only found in everyday food; they can also be used in skin creams and lotions. Vitamin C is possibly the most powerful skin antioxidant, and it has been scientifically proven to brighten skin tone and stimulate the production of collagen. Antioxidants can also be taken internally to promote skin health.Foods containing antioxidants include pomegranates, berries, and citrus fruits.

We are constantly being warned about the harmful effects of the sun, and it has been proven that UVA and UVB rays contribute significantly to skin damage and premature signs of ageing. The benefits of using sunscreen are cumulative and regular use over time will result in smoother skin. Wearing a hat and sunglasses will also provide the necessary protection for the delicate facial skin.

Lifestyles can affect the skin too, and the best method of keeping skin looking young and fresh is to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Living a life that includes a well-balanced and healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and not too much alcohol, and avoiding stress wherever possible will benefit the skin as well as the mind. Emotional wellbeing and good health will enhance the skin and keep you looking, and feeling, younger.

If you need any advice or treatments, including wrinkle reduction procedures (including consultations at our Glasgow botox clinic as well as dermal fillers and other cosmetic procedures we offer at our Glasgow cosmetic clinic) please contact us.

The Original Article Published at Essence Medical Blog

Monday 21 March 2016

5 Reasons to Have Dermal Fillers

We live stressful lifestyles. As we get older, we start to feel it. Moreover, others can see it in our faces. Wrinkles, fine lines, and folds destroy our appearance and can make us feel quite pessimistic about the future ahead. This is where dermal fillers come in. Read on to find out more about the five reasons to have dermal fillers.

1. Minimally Invasive
Any procedure is going to worry you, or at least it would worry us. You do not want it to hurt and you do not want to come away from your doctor in crippling pain. Thankfully, dermal fillers are not that sort of treatment. All it requires is a series of injections. Then the treatment involves smoothing your skin. You will be awake during the procedure and you will not feel a thing.

2. Instant Results that Last
You will see how dermal fillers work as soon as you leave the clinic. You will not have to sit around for weeks to start seeing the benefits. The results will last about twelve months, so you will not have to come back to the clinic every few weeks for more injections. It is ideal if you live a busy lifestyle where regular visits to a clinic will just not fit in.

3. Benefits for Women
Women want to look and feel great at all times. The good thing is, as a woman, you are guaranteed that refreshed, youthful appearance you have been searching for. Dermal fillers are not experimental and they do not just work on 'some' women. As long as you are suitable for dermal fillers, you are guaranteed to get the results you want.

Think of how confident you'll feel when you find you can take years off your looks.

4. Benefits for Men
Yes, you probably did not expect this to figure on the list of five reasons to have dermal fillers. It is true, though. More men than ever before are turning to dermal fillers to refresh their appearance. They want to get rid of fine lines as much as you do. Not all men are allergic to a bar of soap and a good scrub. They want to take advantage of the same rejuvenation benefits as you.

5. It's Safe
Yes, there is nothing wrong with dermal fillers. The vast majority of substances that make up dermal fillers are materials already in our bodies. There are only a few people dermal fillers are not suitable for, such as those who have specific allergies.

Before you decide if dermal fillers are right for you, make sure you visit your doctor first. Discuss it with your GP and see what he or she recommends. It is always wise to check first, just to be on the safe side.

We can help you assess whether dermal fillers are right for you too. These five reasons to have dermal fillers were compiled by experts who can provide professional advice to you. Get in Touch with us today and see what we can do for you!

This article is Originally Published Essence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Blog here

Sunday 20 March 2016

Botox - A Non-Invasive Way to Treat Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Botox is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and deep lines in the face.

What Causes Wrinkles
Wrinkles are folds, ridges, or creases in the skin and typically appear on the face as individuals get older. However, they can also appear prematurely for a number of reasons. Facial expressions can contribute to wrinkles, so those who tend to use their facial muscles as a form of expression often find that wrinkles and deep lines appear earlier than those who do not.

There are other causes of premature wrinkles, including smoking, sun exposure, medications, and dehydration.

As a person ages, his or her skin will naturally get thinner and have less elasticity. The facial muscles also get weaker,losing the battle with the pull of gravity. Wrinkles tend to appear on the face and on other areas of the body such as the backs of the hands, the neck, and the tops of the forearms. Some wrinkles are less noticeable than others are and Botox Glasgow are perfect for treating these less noticeable fine lines. However, for deep lines on the face, more aggressive procedures such as fillers are preferable and offer better results.

What is Botox and How Does it Work?
Botox is the brand name for botulinum toxin, which is a bacterium commonly found in nature. It is a toxic substance that can be poisonous in large doses and can cause botulism, which is a dangerous condition that can be fatal. One of the complications of botulism is paralysis,so scientists have used this to create a substance that can be successfully used in cosmetic surgery.

Small amounts of botulinum toxin are injected into the muscles in the face, which are then paralysed. Botox was approved for use on humans in the late eighties as it was found to work on ailments such as lazy eye and uncontrolled blinking. It is also used to treat creases and wrinkles on the face. Paralysing the muscles in the face helps to create a smoother, younger looking appearance.

When Botox is injected into facial muscles, it blocks the nerve signals to the muscles and stops the muscles from contracting. When the muscles cannot contract, the wrinkles will soften and relax.

The Botox Procedure
Botox injections are a non-surgical procedure and can be carried out in a matter of minutes. There is no need for an anesthetic and no recovery time. The procedure involves the Botox being injected into the specific muscles of the face with a fine needle. It typically causes minor discomfort and the full effect of the treatment is usually seen within three to seven days. It is recommended that individuals refrain from drinking alcohol for at least a week before the procedure.

How Long Does Botox Last?
The Botox effects usually last for about four to six months. After this, the muscle will become active again and wrinkles will once more start to appear. It will be necessary for repeat Botox injections to maintain a smooth appearance. However, it is thought that with regular treatments, the muscles will learn to relax and the appearance of wrinkles becomes less severe.

Are There Any Side Effects?
There are minor side effects, which can occur in those who have had Botox injections. The most common side effect is minor bruising. It is rare to experience headaches but those who do find that these will resolve within 48 hours.

Eyelid drooping is also a side effect but resolves after around three weeks. This is caused by the injected Botox moving around inside the face;this can be prevented by refraining from rubbing the treated area for at least twelve hours.

Where Can You Get Botox Treatments?
Those who are unhappy with their appearance and want non-invasive treatments should consider Botox. Glasgow based clinic Essence Medical offers a number of non-surgical procedures performed by top doctors. Patients can avail of a free consultation in our beautiful clinic set in Glasgow city. Our expert doctors will assess your requirements and will recommend the best treatment options available.

This article is Originally Published Essence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Blog here